The art of being happy...

This week I decided to live in the moment. I am a dreamer by nature, a list maker, someone who gets lots of pleasure from planning - there is nothing wrong with that and I don't want to change who I am, I love being a dreamer! But sometimes I do need to be pulled back to the present, a little :) 

dreaming about the future
Me... Dreaming, planning the next stage of my life back in 2010

Because we are so close to such exciting things in our future like having our own home(!) I have noticed myself thinking things like "when we have our dream home I'll to do yoga everyday and be more healthy, or make that table I've always wanted, or start up the little cottage industries I've been planning" but I got a little reminder that I don't need to wait. It came in the form of 1,500 people clicking on the little birthday card I made last week! 1,500 different people can you believe it?! I submitted it to craftgawker (you can click the link in the side bar if you want a look) and people really liked it, along with the lovely comments from you regular readers it has really inspired me to get going with all the things I want to do. Just BE the person I want to become!

This last week, I am proud to tell you, I have -
  • Done yoga 3 times (badly but I'll get better!)
  • Made sure we have home baked bread, pancakes and jam tarts
  • Stuck to a very healthy eating plan - fruit everyday and even snacking on carrot sticks 
  • Set up an Etsy shop to sell my crafts (nothing listed yet but its ready to go soon)
  • Listed my bridesmaids dresses on ebay to top up this months savings
  • And crossed of nearly everything else on my to-do list (washing, vet visit, cleaning etc)

I'm really happy, I think I've found the balance again. Living in the moment but planning for and being really excited about the future :)

the art of being happy quote


  1. I get stressed out very easily and this post was inspiring to just relax and be happy doing what we enjoy. A good reminder while I am feeling a bit down and frazzled.

    1. I'm glad you got some inspiration from it, you've done so much this year your bound to need to relax! I hope you're not feeling too frazzled but remembering happiness can come from very common things always lifts your spirits a bit :)

  2. That's great Astra. They do say there is no time like the present. What you can do now do now and what needs to be planned for plan. I have seen the card you made on your original post but i am going to click that link for good measure and look at the card again.x

    1. Cheers New World, there IS no time like the present :) The craftgawker website is so addictive!

  3. I completely agree Astra. I often find my life is out of balance, with me not doing the things I want to do, or rather thinking I will do them when something else has happened.

    I really like that quote as well - so now I am going to go and tackle the mountain of ironing and be happy about doing it! (Maybe not)

    1. Ha ha brilliant! my nana always said, dont do what you like, like what you do! same sort of thing :) I think 'the balance' is something a lot of people struggle with but its something we can all fix so thats a good thing at least :)

  4. Hi Astra, that sounds like a very productive week you had to me, go you :) I'd love to bake my own bread, that's definitely one on my to do list! I've recently started yoga too and am really loving it, it's so relaxing isn't it...

    I find as soon as spring comes I'm suddenly so much more inspired to start to do all the things I want to do. I've gone gardening mad lately too! Your birthday card and jewellery kits looked fab so I'm sure they'll go down well on etsy.

  5. Thank so much charlotte, i really appreciate your encouragement :) You should give bread baking a try, its far easier than people think, my recipe you don't even have to knead twice, just once then let it rise in the tin and bake! If you like I'll post the recipe for you :)

    ps yoga is brilliant - really must keep it up!

    1. That would be great - thanks. It will make a really good Easter holiday activity with my little girl too x

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