How I prepared for pregnancy

A few people have asked about our 'detox' we did before I was trying to get pregnant and I remembered that I couldn't find much info on that when I was looking, just lots on what to do when you are pregnant or actively trying. For me, I always knew that I wanted to be ready in every way before having a baby, I knew it would be something we planned and prepared lots for. So for anyone interested heres a bit on what we did and why.

Food - I was brought up on a very strict healthy diet and eating well is something I just do without really trying (I know how lucky I am!). The things we changed in the 4 month detox were no take-outs, we might have had one every 2 months or so. I made sure to bake nearly all our bread and add extra nuts and seeds. I snacked on nuts and seeds when I was hungry. I took folic acid and Al took zinc everyday we both took a multi vitamin too. We had fresh vegetables with every evening meal, we eat a lot of simple meals like fish, carrots, peas and spuds or sausages stir fry vegetables and cous cous. Salads or healthy sandwiches for lunches. I cut out caffeinated drinks altogether for the last 2 months (easy because I only drank tea and I swapped that to roibos) Al doesn't drink coffee but cut down on tea. I swapped normal chocolate for green and blacks organic - my vice :) We both cut out any regular extra snacking like before bed cereal or toast.

Alcohol - I did used to drink every now and then but over this last year I just cut that out all together, I don't know the scientific details but I figured toxins stay in your system for a while so best to have none. Al has a few beers at the weekend, when watching the football or socially - not a big drinker by any means. We learned that sperm takes 4 months from when it starts to form until it... leaves the body. When we found that out Al decided that he wanted to 'detox' for 4 months before we started trying, the way he saw it was I was going to be super healthy for the next year at least (I hope to breast feed so my diet will be just as important after baby is born) that it was the best, and only, thing he could do nutritionally or that would help our baby physically before its born. I thought it was a lovely thing to do for our baby and it kinda shows me what kind of father he is too - although I already knew :)

Smoking - Neither of us have ever smoked so no need to quit!

Exercise - Now this area I do feel as though I could have done slightly more in but I'm still happy with what we did because we were both in the 'ideal' bmi/weight range and really active compared to most people. My job (pre school room leader) keeps me fit and after a 10 hour day it was hard to go for a run/do yoga but I did manage a few sessions a week, either runs or yoga or hikes. Al works long hours too when you add his commute but he's naturally athletic and kept up the exercise as well. I think for us, because we didn't need to loose weight and we didn't want to burn ourselves out that was enough - we felt fit and healthy and thats what counts.

From the top of Slieve Donard, Mourne Mountains.

Castlewellan forest park 10k hike, Mourne Mountains

Mentally - I think being 100% sure this is what you both want and it's the right time for you is probably the most important thing, we were 1000,000% sure :) We talked so much about starting a family, about everything from our own childhoods to what first solid food our baby might try first! I feel like this bonded us (me al and our unconceived baby!) as a family already. Because we talked about everything as it came in our heads there was never any worries or concerns and we were both just filled with excitement and happiness.

So thats about it, I know it may sound extreme to some people but it was a really easy and enjoyable transition for us and making these changes to be extra healthy/ready to start a family just felt like such a natural thing to do - it was so exciting and fun!

Also it worked perfectly! I'm 10 weeks pregnant, having the most wonderful pregnancy and feel amazing, no sickness or pains at all :)

Hippy at heart...

We had a fancy dress party at work to raise money for the happy days charity. It was a big success and lots of money was raised :) About half the people who saw me think I dress like this all the time LOL what can I say? I do give out hippy vibes :)

Peace love and happiness!

Things that are making me happy this July :)

Just think of 10 things that are making you happy this month, write them down and grab the banner above for your post! Lets forget about the negatives for a minute, turn off the news and give some attention to all the good things in our lives!
  1. Being pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!! it's just the happiest I've ever been :)
  2. Chatting to my sisters more on the phone
  3. Eating our first peas from the garden - so delicious!
  4. Long weekends at home (we get 12th +13th off)
  5. Buying our first baby toy, beautiful, well made, second hand and wooden - ticks all the right boxes! 
  6. My bed! I am just loving my sleep these days lol
  7. All the lovely comments I/we got in response to our baby news, it really was amazing, thank you so much :)
  8. Our brilliant and very funny hens who are laying such delicious eggs every day - we love you!
  9. Tuc biscuits (a fluffy melt in your mouth salted cracker thing!) - although I'm seriously rationing myself they're not the healthiest lol
  10. The way people are referring to us as "you 3" - "take care you 3" or "love to the 3 of you" it's so sweet :)

Our baby's first toy!

Our funny ladies getting a good vantage point :)

Don't forget to leave a comment so I can add you're link to the revolutionaries and people looking for a positivity kick can come find you!



4 weeks at the museum in Edinbrugh, OK so I'm sticking it out but I really wanted my first pregnancy picture! lol 

We found out right before my birthday and our 1st year wedding anniversary and we couldn't be happier or more excited! I'm 8 and a half weeks pregnant now and I feel amazing, womans bodies are incredible, I'm actually growing a tiny human in my womb, its astounding when you think about it! 
It is hard work for your body though and mixed with all the hormones I have been feeling quite tired (no sickness at all though - happy days!). Luckily Al is just the perfect husband for a pregnant wife and has been making sure I rest lots (nearly every 2nd night I'll go to bed at 8pm and sleep right through!) while he cleans out the hens, does washing and cooks amazing healthy meals - have I mentioned how much I love this man?  
I'm also making sure I'm super healthy, we both detoxed for 4 months before 'conception' (lol) and I have been eating extra extra healthy and drinking lots of water as well as keeping up exercise and starting yoga again. Pregnancy and childbirth is the most strenuous thing your body can do so it makes sense to be in good shape for it!  
Well I wanted to share this wonderful news with you all because you've all been so kind and supportive towards us and also it's a bit of an explanation as to why my posts here and comments on your blogs have been few and far between this last month or so! I love blogging and am DEFINITELY keeping it up, it's just that recently sleep comes first lol 

8 week bump!

We love you so much already tiny grape size baby! xxx
I have never been happier :)

It's summer in Ireland :)

Well its summer time for sure now! The rains finished (for a while?) the floods are receding, none round our house thank goodness and the weather is really warm (yes I think 18 degrees is really warm lol). Our summer comes in stages we had a few weeks of lovely sun and heat, then 2/3 weeks of rain and cold, now we're in our second bit of summer, it's not too bad if your expecting it, you just enjoy it while its here :)

The hens are all laying now! Today was the first day we got 3 eggs, it didn't take them long once one started. I just love going to see them in the morning, they talk away to me and run over to say hello. Seeing beautiful little eggs waiting in the straw is just so lovely, there's something nostalgic about collecting eggs, something natural that makes me so content. I really love our hens :)

This last month I have been eating really REALLY healthily. We do normally eat very well, I can't help it, I was raised a vegetarian (I eat plenty meat now!) and still eat veggies and salad everyday, snack on nuts and seeds and only drink water and tea. I'm so lucky that it's just habit now. If I start eating too much chocolate and not enough veggies (thats about as unhealthy as we go lol) I can really feel it in my energy levels and thats what was happening so I've been extra good and I feel extra good :) The fresh eggs really help too, I love egg salad and eating anything from your own garden feels so great :)

OK that doesn't look so healthy but we needed to go shopping... thats homemade bread at least!

Check out how orange those yolks are!!!

Kitchen hen filling up nicely

 Today the hens were out and I just sat watching them dust bath for ages, they really love it! We also did some pottering around the garden. I tied up the pea plants and started training my plum tree that Al got me for my birthday, (the magic apple tree is doing great too) I decided to train it in a fan shape, one day it'll go on the south facing side of our house :)

Hosing away the dung!

loving the dust bathing

its so nice to see them free ranging, I wish we could leave them out all the time...

My birthday plum starting to fan out (note how we potted it at a silly angle lol)

our compost heap :) hens love it btw

silver beet and carrot bed

greenhouse peas doing great

This perfect rose came from our garden, Al picked it and gave it to me a few days ago and it's just opened and got more beautiful each day :) I love his little thoughtful surprises like this, every time I look at it I smile and think about how lucky I am to be married to him :)

So all in all it's a lovely summer for us here in County Antrim and we're enjoying it very much :) 
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