I have really missed blogging the last month! I miss reading blogs, playing around with photos, writing posts... all of it! Ché Phoenix has been in a crazy sleep pattern the last few months of being up every hour and a half, and thats not an exaggeration. Our wee family business is just going from strength to strength, all our hard work is paying off, we couldn't be happier. So we've just not had time for anything except family time, work, sleep but last night we had a break through :) Ché Phoenix slept 3 hours straight, woke for a feed then another 3 hours!!! I feel like a new woman, full of energy and like we've got through the worst of it and it's just gonna get better and better :)
These photos are from the first ever time he ate solid food, spinach and peas from our garden, the photos are about a month late but totally still worth sharing :)